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Admin Interface

Most setup and administration tasks can be accomplished in the administration interface.

The following instructions for common tasks assume that you have first followed these steps:

  1. Log into
  2. Select LITE in the menu at the top of the page.
  3. Where applicable - Selected the customer you wish to work with.

After following these steps you should be left on the Sites page.

Common Technical Tasks

Adding a domain to the CORs policy

When adding Spec Check lite to a site for the first time all the domains that the embed will be loaded on will need to be added to lite. This updates the CORs policy used to police XHR/Fetch requests to the server side API.

To add or amend domains follow these steps:

  1. For the site you wish to amend click on the edit link on the far right.
    You'll be taken to the Edit ***** site page.
  2. In the Domains text box enter the domains you wish to allow, separating multiple domains using spaces. The www. prefix will be automatically applied to all domains listed.
  3. Click the Save button.
    You're domains will now be added to the CORs policy and should begin working shortly.

Further Assistance

If you have any questions at all then please contact our support team by emailing [email protected]